The tomb at the Center of the Lodhi Park is absolutely great for those who like to sketch...many an afternoon have I spent in the shade of that tomb, pleasantly drowsing away ...wonder what ever happened to those who were forcibly shifted out from here, when the Park was made in the 1930s ? For there was a village here when the British decided to build the Lady Willingdon Park, as they called it. Guess there are no eye-witness accounts of forcible translocation of poor people. Imagine, after living for centuries near the tomb, being thrown out to some godforsaken wilderness...

Being a record of the random reflections of a lone individual, nowhere purporting to be the official blog of any organisation or association, wherein I expend my surplus energies in the most appropriate fashion with due regard to my advanced state of decreptitude.....and wherein the views contained in the said blog are purely my views, fickle and capricious...not to be mistaken for any collective body's considered opinion!
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